H&M集团对来自民间社会组织的报告和媒体的报道深表关注,其中包括对新疆维吾尔自治区少数民族强迫劳动和宗教歧视的指控。(H&M Group is deeply concerned by reports from civil society organisations and media that include accusations of forced labour and discrimination of ethnoreligious minorities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).)
声明中,H&M集团表示,我们不与位于新疆的任何服装制造工厂合作,也不从该地区采购产品/原材料。(We do not work with any garment manufacturing factories located in XUAR, and we do not source products from this region. )
声明称,新疆是中国最大的棉花种植区,到目前为止,我们的供应商从该地区与“更好的棉花计划”(BCI)相关的农场采购棉花。由于在该地区进行可信的尽职调查变得越来越困难,BCI已决定暂停在新疆发放BCI棉花许可证。这意味着我们产品所需要的棉花将不再从那里获得。(XUAR is China’s largest cotton growing area, and up until now, our suppliers have sourced cotton from farms connected to Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in the region. As it has become increasingly difficult to conduct credible due diligence in the region, BCI has decided to suspend licensing of BCI cotton in XUAR. This means that cotton for our production will no longer be sourced from there. )