Michael Jackson predicted he would be murdered in handwritten notes he gave to a friend weeks before his death of a drugs overdose in 2009. 据英国每日邮报报道,流行音乐天王迈克尔·杰克逊的死因调查又有了新的发现。据悉杰克逊死前曾写信告诉其好友自己很可能会被谋杀。而就在此后不久,杰克逊就因药物使用过量而去世。 In the 13 messages he declared: 'They are trying to murder me' and 'I am scared about my life.' But the singer never clarified who 'they' were. 在被曝光的13封信中,杰克逊反复声称“他们要杀我,他们要杀我。” 但是“他们”到底是谁,迈克尔·杰克逊并没有明说。 Their existence has been revealed for the first time by German businessman Michael Jacobshagen, 34 – who maintained a two-decade-long friendship with the star – in an interview with broadcaster Daphne Barak for Australian TV show Sunday Night. 这13封“迟到的信件”的提供者是一位34岁的德国商人Jacobshagen,他自称与杰克逊有二十年的交情。但是到底是出于什么原因,Jacobshagen现如今才在一个澳大利亚电视节目中曝光这些信件呢? He says he has gone public with the notes now to support Jackson's daughter Paris, 19, who recently claimed her father was murdered. The interview will be broadcast next month in Australia, the US and other markets to coincide with the anniversary's of the star's death. Jacobshagen说自己现在才拿出这些信件主要是为了帮助杰克逊的女儿Paris调查出其父亲的真正死因。Paris今年19岁,近日,她忽然宣称自己的父亲是被谋杀的。面对这场特殊的死因调查,澳大利亚,美国等地的多家媒体纷纷给予了关注,据悉,新一轮的采访将在一个多月后,也就是迈克尔·杰克逊忌日活动期间举行。 The official cause of death was an overdose of the sedative propofol. His personal doctor Conrad Murray served two years of a four-year jail sentence after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for administering a lethal dose of the drug. 当年杰克逊去世的时候官方给出的死亡原因是镇静剂异丙酚服用过量。杰克逊当时的主治医师Conrad Murray也因此被判四年有期徒刑,服刑了两年。 时过境迁之后旧事重提,真相到底是什么?这次调查是否可以让一切水落石出?元芳你怎么看? 生词点睛: Clarify v. 澄清 Maintain v. 维持 保持 Sedative n. / adj. 镇静剂